Laser Dental Therapy In KL, Malaysia
At Dental Clinic, we’re committed to bringing you cutting-edge treatments and technologies to make your experience more enjoyable. We have brought you Laser Dentistry!
What’s the big deal?
“The big deal is NO DRILLS! That’s pretty big, don’t you think?
That’s wonderful! But that’s not all: with laser dentistry, the light kills the bacteria, so it DISINSECTS YOUR TOOTH at the same time, which a conventional drill does not do.
Hydrophotonics technology is credited with the Waterlase system’s success. The use of laser light and water to gently remove decayed tooth tissue. Unlike a drill, the laser never actually touches the tooth, so there is no anxiety-inducing noise or vibration. The sound of laser dentistry is more like that of a popcorn machine!
The benefits of using laser dentistry do not end there. We can numb in and around the tooth with laser dentistry, allowing some fillings to be done without the need for an injection and with no numbness for hours afterwards. Because the laser beam is so precise, it can only focus on the area of decay, leaving surrounding tissue and bone undamaged. This results in a much improved and faster healing time, which is a distinct advantage of laser dentistry.
Benefits of Using Laser Technology
- Silent dental drill
- No heat is generated by the dental drill.
- No Injections
- Increased precision
- Kills Bacteria
- Faster Healing
- Kinder for Kids
- Makes teeth less sensitive
- Improved tooth-filling material bonding
Kids’ Laser Dentistry
If your child needs a filling due to decay or an accident, the laser is the best option. The laser is not seen as a source of fear by kids. Laser dentistry is thus an excellent option for children.
Injection-free fills
Because laser light can numb the fibers in and around the tooth, small and medium fills can be performed without the need for an injection.
Tooth Extraction With Laser
If you need a tooth extracted, laser dentistry can help. The laser works its way gently around the roots of the tooth until it can be removed much more gently.